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Showing posts from August, 2011

Busy Busy Weekends, lead to a MIA Lilifly

Well sorry I havent posted anything in awhile but I have just being going goo goo for cocoa puffs, the past few weekends have been non stop socializing, organizing and getting ready for another round of lots of school work (i cant believe i have only a year left of this torture... I'm sure Im going to miss school once i finish but right now "not so much, not so much".) First there were birthday party's to celebrate, BBQ to attend to.. Mia's 1st Bday Pary Bowling With Carli before he returns to Cuba Thais Bday Party at Bongos and this sunday I decided to tacke my closet situation and did a little organization with the shoes, i had purchased these boxes from the container store. Yay, I can actually see my shoes now. Well ta ta for now!

What the HEck!!! Hollywood needs new material

So today i found out.. they are actually planning to create a remake of Dirty Dancing!!! ughhh, so mad (yet secretly curious), why cant hollywood comeup with new ideas. Truly Dirty Dancing is one of those movies that I have always loved, I remember watching it with my sister and hoping that one day I would be sent to a summer camp with dancing instructors that look like Patrick, But nah, it never happened. However Im going to be sooo disapointed if it doesnt meet my expectations, they better do a good Job, I mean nobody messes with Baby!! Is anyone else enraged with these news?

Rumble in the Jungle 2011

So, I have been super stuffy-slow witted-coughing- and soo tired of this cold for the past week. But I put on my big girl pants this weekend for my husband's first mountain biking competition, Rumble in the Jungle was held at Markham Park in Melaleuca Isles, Davie Fl. You see Damian is a big computer nerd/IT engineer but when he is out of the office is all about his hobbies. Through the years (we have been together since 2004) there has been hockey, motorcross, tennis, and finally mountain biking. However this is the longest lasting of his hobbies so I tag along to show my hubby some mayor support. The day did not start too well (i took my night time med instead of the daytime=groggy me) but neverthelesss i carried on The day was very overcast, but with the temperature being that of 89, it was gladly appreciated, here are some pics of the day and a copy one of the legit photos. Getting to the finish Line Well the boys came in 6th place out of 13,

Soo here it goes...

Everyday I sit in front of my tv with my laptop on hand and I go one by one checking my favorite blogs, getting to know some new ones, and just reading away. What I never though of doing was creating my own. Well yesterday that thought got into my head... and well pointless to say that here goes my try. I hope to hear from you guys as I share my thoughts with yall, but above all hope to just say a ramblings of opinions to people that don't know me from adam, because sometimes those are the most open dialogues. Well wish me luck. Things to Know about me: I'm Married To my best friend: Damian and I have an opinion about everything !! Other than that, youll get to know me along the way.