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Showing posts from April, 2012

Hubby's 30th Bday

Well this weekend it was non-stop for me, first because I had the Hubby Bday celebration and I had to make sure everything went as planned, and of course all of my finals are due this week, because thats life. Anyhow; everything I think turned out marvelous, we had dinner at SAWA restaurant and lounge @ Coral Gables with our closest friends, here are some pictures, Overall for the night FANTASTIC!!

I got the Internship...I did not ;(

So, as I have mentioned before I am working on my masters degree (Marriage and Family Therapy) last week I was contacted by an agency which I was very interested in intering with and they told me that they would love for me to join the team. Now today, I get a sad phonecall they wont be needing me until next semester (Spring 2013) which by then it would be too late for me... so buh buh buh. Now I have to start my search all over again. Guess it was not meant to be. Anyways, this weekend Damian turns 30!!! so we are getting together with our friends for dinner (he did not want anything bigger...partypooper) should post pictures soon.... These pictures are from Easter Sunday 2012, We hosted a small brunch for our beautiful goddaughter's. It was my first easter at our new apartment, and everything turned out great.